Author Guidelines

  • Article writing prioritizes themes that touch on the fields of religion and culture in various disciplinary approaches, philosophy and theology.
  • Articles are written in Indonesian or English using correct language rules.
  • The length of the manuscript ranges from 4000-6000 words (about 10-14 pages) in Word Document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) format.
  • The manuscript is accompanied by an abstract of maximum 200 words in English and Bahasa Indonesia; and 4 or 5 keywords.
  • References are presented in parentheses directly behind the citation of ideas or direct quotations using APA Style (American Psychological Association 7th edition) with an in-text citation model (body note) as follows:
    • It was a ritual of reconciliation with strong nuances on the revitalization of their cultural identity (Sairin, 2002:161).
    • According to Sairin (2002:161), it is a reconciliation ritual with strong nuances in their cultural identity.
  • Footnotes are used for explanations that are important but would disrupt the flow of the article if included in the text.
  • The literature written in the references is only used in the research being conducted. Writing references using software such as Mendeley. Writing references using the APA Referencing Style - Updated to 7th Edition system model.
  • The complete article structure can be seen in the article template.